getmesh is an integration and lifecycle management CLI tool that ensures the use of supported and trusted versions of Istio.
-h, --help help for getmesh
-c, --kubeconfig string Kubernetes configuration file
- getmesh check-upgrade - Check if there are patches available in the current minor version
- getmesh config-validate - Validate the current Istio configurations in your cluster
- getmesh default-hub - Set or Show the default hub passed to “getmesh istioctl install” via “–set hub=” e.g.
- getmesh fetch - Fetch istioctl of the specified version, flavor and flavor-version available in “getmesh list” command
- getmesh gen-ca - Generate intermediate CA
- getmesh istioctl - Execute istioctl with given arguments
- getmesh list - List available Istio distributions built by Tetrate
- getmesh prune - Remove specific istioctl installed, or all, except the active one
- getmesh show - Show fetched Istio versions
- getmesh switch - Switch the active istioctl to a specified version
- getmesh version - Show the versions of getmesh cli, running Istiod, Envoy, and the active istioctl